🏀 “Final Four” Recovery – Buy any 3 Athletic Performance services, get the 4th FREE
🏀 “Final Four” Recovery – Buy any 3 Athletic Performance services, get the 4th FREE
Floatation Therapy involves “floating” in 10 inches of highly concentrated salt water within a sensory deprivation tank, known as a floatation or isolation tank. The goal of float therapy is to calm the mind and the body. REST is at the root of floatation therapy’s efficacy. It stands for “restricted environmental stimulation therapy”.
Check out a 360 view of our float suite: https://www.oceanfloatrooms.com/360-view
Floating is about everything that you won’t be doing.
You won’t be fighting gravity. The 1,000 pounds of epsom salt in the water takes care of that while you lie on your back.
The water is kept at 93.5-95 degrees Fahrenheit. This is skin-receptor neutral, which means you lose track of where your body ends and the water begins.
Your ears stay just below the water, and the tanks are insulated against sound. Noise from the outside doesn’t reach you.
After you shut the door you will have 10 minutes of music and lights to get fully relaxed then the lights and music will go off, you float in total darkness & total silence.
For your entire session, the outside world is gone, and amazing things happen.
It turns out that when you’re not fighting gravity or constantly taking in information your body has a lot of extra resources at its disposal.
Your mind is free to mull things over without distraction, your brain pumps out dopamine and endorphins, and your body gets to rest, de-stress, heal, and Renew U.
It’s likely to be the most relaxing thing you’ve ever experienced.
Float tanks have actually been used for science since the 1950's. Isolation tanks and the idea of sensory deprivation were first developed by Dr. John C. Lilly in the 1950’s while attempting to isolate the mind from the body for the National Institute of Mental Health.
By 1979, the first float center was open to the public in Beverly Hills, CA.
Float centers started popping up all around the world for years but took a drastic decline in the late 1980s and 90s. Finally there was regrowth in the 2000s and by mid 2010s, we entered float industry 2.0. Float tank manufacturers multiplied, offering more options. There are international conferences every year where people from around the world gather to share cutting edge information and inspire the community. Float centers are now at an all time high with more centers opening their doors every day, and we are excited to be at the forefront of the industry in North Texas and beyond.
**Prior to your float appointment:
- Read our "Helpful Floating Guidelines"
- Don’t shave or wax
- No caffeine or alcohol
- Dark/wild colored hair will be tested for color fastness by dipping hair into a sample of the float tank water and rubbed with a white towel for 1-2 mins. If color is not seen on the towel then the test is passed (see waiver for more details)
- It is recommended to eat a small meal at least 1 hour before your appointment, however, what is important is that you don't eat a big meal close to floating
- Removal of contacts is recommended
**Arrive and Check in:
- We recommend using the restroom just prior to your appointment
- You will be showed to your private float suite and we’ll go over the basics together and answer any questions you may have
- You will be supplied optional, but recommended, ear plugs
- Remove all makeup, if applicable
- You MUST shower prior to your float (no conditioner) removing all clothing to get the full experience
- Dry face and insert ear plugs
- Apply Vaseline to any minor cuts to decrease stinging from the salt
- Carefully step into your suite and locate your fresh water bottle, wash cloth, and control buttons (light & music)
- Close cabin door to your comfort level, however closing the door will allow for the full sensory deprivation experience
- Settle into your float experience and enjoy
- There is no wrong thing to do in your float! It is your experience to enjoy as you please
- When your float is coming to an end the music will slowly fade in and light come on to let you know your session is coming to the end
- The jets, from the filtration process, will come on when your time has ended to alert you to begin making your way out
- Shower thoroughly to rinse off all salt residue. For those with coarse/thick hair it is recommended to shampoo and rinse twice to make sure you get all the salt residue out
**After your float:
- When you’re ready, you can make your way to the restroom to finish your “fix-up” if needed and/or move to our lounge to transition back into the real world
- Read our "Understanding Your Float" guide
- Check out with staff and let them know how your float was
- Schedule your next appointment and/or check out our packages and other services to customize your ”Renew U” plan
- We offer a special 3-pack Intro to Float package as a Buy 2 get 1 FREE, giving you your first float FREE when you purchase 2 future floats. Don’t miss out on these great savings. The more you float the better you will feel!
- Enjoy your day and great night of sleep!!!
Research is continually growing to show the effects and benefits of floatation therapy, however at Renew U, we encourage everyone to go into the tank without any expectations other than being able to disconnect from your busy and hectic lives and get some deep restoration for your mind, body, and spirit.
Here are just a few of the reported benefits:
- Reduction of chronic pain and inflammation.
- Reduced stress levels and deep levels of relaxation.
- Healing the body naturally: improved athletic recovery and performance.
- Improved sleep quality and sleep patterns.
- Decreased muscle tension, anxiety, and stress.
- Increased energy, mood, and freedom of movement
- Strengthened immune system.
- Relief from multiple medical conditions such as Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Scoliosis, Parkinson’s, PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Lyme’s, Autism, and more.
- Enhancing creativity for arts.
- Connecting to yourself on a deeper level and enhancing introspection and meditation.
***Remember that the benefits of floating are cumulative – the more you float the better it gets, and each float is never the same as the last.
WHY FLOAT? Floating delivers wide-ranging and life-changing benefits; however, the most immediately accessible benefit - and one that is universally appreciated by customers - it destresses!!! Stress = the plague of the 21st century! Float-room owners and their customers have one thing in common with their lives in the 21st century: busy, crammed schedules leaving little, or no time to re-balance. This holds true in both social and professional lives, and it leads to constantly elevated stress levels. Symptoms of stress include, but are not limited to: anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, muscular tension, headaches, migraine, reduced immune system, digestive disorders, eating disorders, depression, lethargy, irritability, procrastination, forgetfulness, poor concentration, moodiness, aggression, sexual problems, etc. People from ALL walks of life suffer from stress, caused by things such as work, family, finances, sport, exams, etc. We all have good intentions about improving the balance in our lives, and better managing stress. Some ways in which we try to achieve this is by improving quality time here and there, more organized scheduling, eating healthy food, exercising more, and engaging in relaxation programs such as yoga, etc. However, at the end of the day, good intentions about managing stress account for nothing if they don’t translate into results. Floating addresses the problem of unrelenting stress in the quickest, most efficient, powerful way possible, as well as providing time out to enable the body and mind to take stock and regain perspective.
We take the safety and well-being of our clients seriously. We have implemented strict safety measures in response to COVID-19, including regular cleaning and disinfecting measures using non-toxic cleaners.
Our center has procedures for cleaning our float rooms, as well as doing regular maintenance on the equipment. Commercial float tanks use a rigorous water treatment and filtration process. We follow a maintenance program where the float room water will remain completely sterile and clean.
➢ There are over 400kg of Epsom salt in the float room, thus creating a hostile environment for microbes and studies have shown that common pathogens don’t seem to thrive in the solution.
➢ There is a very low concentration of peroxide working in conjunction with a powerful UV. This UV/peroxide sanitation system also breaks down any organic matter.
➢ There is a minimum fifteen-minute cleaning cycle in which the water circulates a minimum of four times through the filtration system following each and every float.
The following is a list of people who should NOT float.
Renew U LLC
320 E Peyton Street, Suite 100, Sherman, TX 75090 (Between Furniture row & FirstUnited bank - Parking on east side of building)
Call 903-893-6652 | Text 903-476-6045
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