🏀 “Final Four” Recovery – Buy any 3 Athletic Performance services, get the 4th FREE
🏀 “Final Four” Recovery – Buy any 3 Athletic Performance services, get the 4th FREE
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As explained by a pre-eminent scientist: “Floating is a method of attaining the deepest rest that humankind has ever experienced.” Essentially, it’s spending an hour or so lying quietly in the dark, suspended in a warm solution of Epsom salt, 26cm deep, and so dense that you float effortlessly. We play some gentle music to help you relax. In short, it’s complete mental and physical relaxation.
Floating delivers wide-ranging and life-changing benefits; however, the most immediately accessible benefit - and one that is universally appreciated by customers - it destresses!!! Stress = the plague of the 21st century!
All our customers have one thing in common with their lives in the 21st century: busy, crammed schedules leaving little, or no time to re-balance. This holds true in both social and professional lives, and it leads to constantly elevated stress levels.
Symptoms of stress include, but are not limited to: anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, muscular tension, headaches, migraine, reduced immune system, digestive disorders, eating disorders, depression, lethargy, irritability, procrastination, forgetfulness, poor concentration, moodiness, aggression, sexual problems, etc.
People from ALL walks of life suffer from stress, caused by things such as work, family, finances, sport, exams, etc. We all have good intentions about improving the balance in our lives, and better managing stress. Some ways in which we try to achieve this is by improving quality time here and there, more organized scheduling, eating healthy food, exercising more, and engaging in relaxation programs such as yoga, etc.
However, at the end of the day, good intentions about managing stress account for nothing if they don’t translate into results. Floating addresses the problem of unrelenting stress in the quickest, most efficient, powerful way possible, as well as providing time out to enable the body and mind to take stock and regain perspective.
We recommend avoiding shaving or waxing the day of your treatment. You should also avoid wearing any lotions, perfumes, or makeup. Eat a small meal before arriving, avoid large meals, and avoid caffeine products at least 1 hour before you float.
Nope, just yourself, an open mind, and a tired body! We provide towels, shampoo, conditioner, shower gel and a hairdryer. Towels, robes, earplugs, and everything else you need are provided. However, keep in mind that you will be showering before and after, so if you prefer to bring your own brush, hygiene products, makeup, etc you are welcome to do so.
It’s OK... many people are, but we don’t use float tanks or pods, rather, float rooms... you can stand up inside them. The light is controlled from inside, giving you total control of your environment. You can leave the light on and you can even leave the door open. People with claustrophobia consistently report no problems with floating in our roomy tanks.
No! The door simply pushes open. Also, the light switch is located inside the Float room. You can open and close the door as you wish; likewise, it is your choice if you turn off the light.
You do not need to be able to swim. You’ll float like a cork; it doesn’t matter what shape or size you are.
Nope. Some people fall asleep, but the water is so buoyant you stay afloat. The worst that can happen is getting woken up by a bit of salt water in your eyes.
We follow a maintenance program where the float room water will remain completely sterile and clean.
➢ There are over 400kg of Epsom salt in the float room, thus creating a hostile environment for microbes.
➢ In your water there is either a very low concentration of peroxide working in conjunction with a powerful UV.
➢ There is a minimum fifteen-minute cleaning cycle in which the water circulates a minimum of four times through the filtration system.
➢ We also have a UV/peroxide sanitation system that breaks down any organic matter.
Overall, the water contains a high concentration of salt and a limited amount of (swimming pool) chemicals to ensure it’s totally clean and sterile. In addition, we filter the water thoroughly between each float session. We also have to comply with stringent health and safety regulations.
Anyone who floats regularly will tell you how blissfully comfortable and deeply relaxed they feel whilst floating. You’re as close as you are ever likely to be to an experience of weightlessness; and, surprisingly, there is no feeling of being confined in a tight space.
The water is at 35°C (skin temperature) and the air around 31°C; this similarity in temperature between the water and the air is what gives you the feeling of weightlessness. In this ‘gravity free’ environment the body balances and heals internally while all the senses are rested. Research shows that floating measurably reduces blood pressure and heart rate whilst lowering the levels of stress related hormones in the body. Old injuries and aches, (especially backache) experience relief as floating helps blood circulation and raises the levels of endorphins (the body’s natural pain killer).
Floating is used widely in the treatment of stress, anxiety, insomnia, jet lag and to improve concentration and creativity. Sports performance and recovery are also enhanced by floating.
One hour of floating has the restorative effects of 4 hours of sleep!
During a float, you produce slower brain-waves, known as theta waves, (normally experienced only during deep meditation or just before falling asleep). This is often accompanied by vivid imagery, very clear, creative thoughts, sudden insights and inspirations or feelings of profound peace and joy, induced by the release of endorphins, the body’s natural opiates.
Due to these effects, floating is used effectively in the treatment of depression and addictions, including smoking and alcohol. It is also used in schools and universities as tools for Super Learning.
Floating, may not suit everybody. It needs willingness on your part to have a go and to let go, you may need to float a few times before you are able to relax completely, both physically and mentally. Depending on your own journey through life, a float might provide an hour of total physical relaxation - or a profound healing experience, emotionally and spiritually transforming. Floating can be a wonderful aid to opening doors into your inner world, gradually allowing access to those deeper levels at which real changes take place, or it may simply give you a feeling of Zen and tranquility in your busy life.
Yes, you float within your own individual room so there is no requirement to wear a swimming costume or trunks. The Float room has its own shower and changing area which is for your exclusive use for the duration of your session.
Absolutely. "Friends" can’t float together (because that would be weird) but our tank can accommodate couples comfortably.
Floating has been around for over 40 years, and has oodles of published research to back it up. No mumbo or jumbo here.
No. The water contains high salt levels however, it does not rob your skin of salt, (which is what causes wrinkling). Rather, it leaves your skin soft and silky.
To get the full experience, we do recommend no clothing, however you may wear a swimsuit if that makes you more comfortable.
Post-Float: Why do I feel nauseous? It is the release of tension from the stomach and abdomen. This is actually a very good sign as it indicates that stress is leaving the body. The customer should feel a lot better the next day.
If you have braided hair, box braids, cornrows, or hair extensions we advise washing your hair again once you are home to avoid retaining any excess salt.
The water in each float tank contains over 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt. The high salt concentration can cause color bleeding into the tank water resulting in damaged hair color and possibly the need to drain the water and refill. Hefty fees can and will be accompanied upon non-compliance. ***See new customer waiver signed on your first visit. It specifies agreement for all customers with “wild” hair color/freshly dyed hair to ensure hair has been thoroughly washed many times. We will need to perform a color test or "white towel test" by dipping your hair into a cup of water from our float tank followed by rubbing of the hair with a white towel for 2 minutes. If there is ANY transfer of color seen on the towel we will have no choice but to restrict floating until able to pass the "white towel test". Believe me we do NOT want to do this, but we want to protect you and our tank from any damage. We will be happy to reschedule your appointment or give a full refund for any canceled appointments. If you have any questions please reach out to us for further clarification.
Yes, you can float while menstruating. Just treat it like going to a swimming pool while on your period. Pro tip: if you happen to be using a tampon, consider coating the string with petroleum jelly (provided in the room) to prevent salt water from wicking into the tampon.
No, you cannot pee in the float tank! Despite the water being well filtered and sanitized between uses we want to maintain our crystal clear waters for all of our customers to enjoy.
This will depend upon what session length you booked. We offer 30 minute, 60 minute, & 90 minute float sessions, plus showering and dressing time, plus, it’s important for you to relax for at least 10 minutes after your float. To ensure relaxation, we developed a comfortable lounge for you to use afterwards, with complimentary drinks. We suggest you allow a good additional 30 minutes for the first session, perhaps a little less from the 2nd float.
A single session is $39 for 30-minutes, $69 for 60-minutes, & $99 for 90-minutes. It’s important to have at least 3 float sessions to feel the full benefits of floating so we offer an introductory package of 3 60-minute sessions at $138, basically giving you your first float as a free trial while trusting us that the next 2 will be even better! Although, this introductory offer is only available once to new customers. We also offer a buy 4 get 1 free package to all returning customers and customizable monthly membership packages to fit everyone's specific "Renew U" wellness plans.
Floating regularly is particularly beneficial, as the affects are cumulative. Our customizable monthly membership packages offer many perks and allows you to float for the best price per session. Ask our staff for details. We accept all major credit cards.
Renew U LLC
320 E Peyton Street, Suite 100, Sherman, TX 75090 (Between Furniture row & FirstUnited bank - Parking on east side of building)
Call 903-893-6652 | Text 903-476-6045
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